Trauma Focused Therapy


At Integrated Health and Recovery Center , we understand that addiction is a complex issue that can stem from various factors. Often, unresolved trauma can be the underlying cause of substance abuse disorders, eating disorders, compulsive behaviors, problematic sexual behavior, co-occurring psychiatric disorders, and safety-sensitive issues. Trauma can have far-reaching effects on individuals, including psychological impacts such as anxiety, depression, guilt, and shame, physical effects such as chronically activated stress responses, sleep problems, chronic pain, and inadequate medical care, and social effects such as isolation, rigid or inauthentic relationships.
To increase the likelihood of long-term recovery, our clinical team employs an integrated approach that simultaneously addresses substance abuse recovery and trauma resolution components. This approach can help individuals develop mindfulness, distress tolerance, reduced shame, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness, ultimately resulting in a higher chance of successful long-term recovery.


Integrated Health and Recovery Center provides trauma treatment to assist individuals in overcoming past traumas. Individual trauma can result from an event, series of events, or circumstances that an individual has experienced as physically or emotionally harmful or life-threatening, leading to lasting adverse effects on their mental, physical, social, emotional, or spiritual well-being. In many cases, trauma can be a result of physical or sexual abuse experienced during childhood, while in other cases, it can be due to witnessing traumatic events or losing a loved one.
Statistics from the National Comorbidity Survey, Archives of General Psychiatry indicate that 61% of men and 51% of women in the United States report exposure to at least one lifetime traumatic event, and 90% of clients in public behavioral health care settings have experienced trauma. Therefore, trauma treatment is an essential aspect of healing and recovery for many individuals.

How Does Trauma Lead to Addiction?

The relationship between trauma and addiction is well-established, with many individuals turning to alcohol and drugs to cope with difficult experiences in their lives. With prolonged use, substance abuse can quickly progress into full-blown addiction. At Integrated Health and Recovery Center, we recognize this connection and provide treatment that addresses both addiction and trauma simultaneously to promote healing.
Unlike some professionals who use the term “trauma-informed” to acknowledge the presence of trauma without taking action to address it, we are a trauma-resolution facility that believes those affected by trauma deserve more. Our goal is to work towards resolution by reducing the psychological impacts of trauma such as anxiety, depression, guilt, and shame, physical effects such as chronic stress responses, sleep problems, chronic pain, and inadequate medical care, as well as social effects such as isolation and rigid or inauthentic relationships.

Why People Need to Seek Treatment for Trauma

In the past, rehabilitation facilities focused solely on treating physical addictions, which provided shortterm relief but did not address the underlying issues that could cause relapse in the long term. At Integrated Health and Recovery Center, we recognize that to prevent relapse, it is crucial to address the root cause of addiction, which is often trauma.
Based on our experience, we have found that trauma is often the underlying issue behind substance abuse, problematic sexual behavior, disordered eating, compulsive behaviors, and mental illnesses. Research has also shown that individuals who have experienced trauma are more likely to abuse substances compared to the general population. If trauma is not addressed, individuals in recovery are more likely to relapse, have poorer physical health outcomes, and their unaddressed trauma is more likely to hinder future recovery attempts.
Therefore, our trauma treatment services aim to address the underlying issues that led to addiction, providing our clients with the best chance of achieving long-term sobriety and improving their overall well-being.

Types of Trauma

At Integrated Health and Recovery Center, we recognize that trauma recovery is not a one-size-fits-all solution because people experience trauma differently and for various reasons. That’s why we offer multiple recovery plans that are customizable to each individual. Single-event trauma is one form of trauma that people may encounter, and it is characterized by a solitary traumatic experience that causes lasting effects. Some examples of single-event trauma include automobile accidents, abduction, community violence, and medical trauma.
Trauma can be classified into three categories: acute, chronic, and complex. Acute trauma occurs as a result of one traumatic event, while chronic trauma involves being exposed to multiple traumatic experiences over a long period. When several acute traumas go untreated, it can result in chronic trauma. Complex trauma, on the other hand, involves experiencing various traumatic experiences or events within the context of interpersonal relationships.
Regardless of the type or level of trauma, seeking the help of an experienced professional is vital to achieve healing, restoration, and trauma resolution. Failure to address trauma can have negative implications on a person’s overall health, relationships, performance, and life satisfaction.

Get Help for Your Addiction and Trauma at Integrated Health and Recovery Center

Professional help is crucial for those who have experienced trauma and subsequently developed addiction. At Integrated Health and Recovery Center, we offer comprehensive treatment for both addiction and trauma resolution. Our clinical team understands the far-reaching impact of trauma and the symptoms that come with it. They are well-versed in the potential paths to recovery through an integrated model.
We take a personalized approach to treatment, starting with the initial assessment and continuing through to discharge planning and lifetime alumni services. At every stage of our process, we focus on identifying and addressing traumatic experiences while simultaneously looking at how these experiences have contributed to an individual’s mental health and addiction challenges. Our treatment services cover a range of issues, including substance use disorders, mental health, dual diagnosis, trauma, problematic sexual behavior, disordered eating, and other compulsive behaviors.
Integrated Health and Recovery Center has a comprehensive and proven program that deals with trauma at every stage of their recovery program.
Integrated Health and Recovery Center prioritizes tailoring individualized treatment plans for all clients. We recognize the uniqueness of each person and the need for a personalized approach to their care. Our goal is to customize treatment plans that address their specific needs and concerns.
Are you prepared to take back control of your life? Initiate your journey towards addiction recovery today by taking the first step.


Take the first step to true healing.