What is PTSD?

PTSD is a condition where an individual experiences ongoing mental or emotional stress as a result of a traumatic event that has not been properly processed. The disorder gained recognition in psychology due to reports of nightmares, flashbacks, and an inability to function normally. The first recorded instance of PTSD can be found in The Odyssey/Achilles, written around 700BC, and it has been referred to by different names such as shell shock, a term psychiatrists used after World War II. Nowadays, we understand that trauma and traumatic events extend beyond combat.
PTSD can manifest as extreme vigilance towards any perceived threat in the outside world. The trauma from various experiences can be stored in the body, causing it to quickly react to even the slightest environmental trigger.


Although the symptoms of PTSD can differ from one person to another, there are three major categories:
Individuals who have PTSD may also undergo the following:


Integrated Health and Recovery Center’s approach to treatment is based on the belief that trauma is the primary cause of many mental health and substance abuse issues. As a result, we are uniquely equipped to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD can cause long-lasting changes in the brain’s areas that regulate emotions, thoughts, and memory, making it challenging to regain control even years after the traumatic event. We provide a safe environment and effective treatments that address the complexities of PTSD symptoms and address the underlying trauma, promoting therapeutic processing that allows reconnection to oneself, family, and community.
Our treatment programs at Integrated Health and Recovery Center focus on leveraging neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections to adapt and adjust to new situations, experiences, and environments. Although trauma memories are intense, resilience is a more potent force. Integrated Health and Recovery Center tailors its treatment plans to the unique needs of each resident, and we do not employ a “treatment tract.” Upon arrival, each person receives a personalized treatment plan, and we continuously monitor progress to make real-time adjustments based on their needs and progress.
Our mental health professionals at Integrated Health and Recovery Center have extensive experience in treating PTSD and design a personalized treatment plan that combines medical, psychological, and integrative therapies to address the individual’s needs as a whole, with the goal of improving symptoms and regaining control. We emphasize psychotherapy, and psychodrama, as well as medical treatment and integrative therapies such as adventure therapies, acupuncture, yoga, and massage. Recognizing that trauma is stored in the body, we offer these modalities beyond traditional talk therapy and standard therapy sessions to achieve genuine recovery.


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