Extended Care

Extended Care

Achieving and maintaining sobriety is a continuous journey that can take various routes. At IHARC, we acknowledge that some individuals may experience more challenges than others when it comes to overcoming addiction. Therefore, we provide a non-judgmental and safe environment for both men and women to develop confidence and comfort in their recovery process. While some individuals may only require a short program, others may require a longer, individualized care plan that caters to their unique needs. Our aim is to empower each person who comes to us with the necessary tools to live their best life. As a result, we offer extended addiction treatment that is customized to each person’s specific requirements.

Who Benefits From an Extended Addiction Treatment Program?

Extended addiction treatment can be beneficial for almost anyone, especially those with severe addictions, relapse issues, or psychological challenges. The early stages of recovery are the most challenging, and it is easy to slip back into substance abuse if proper supervision is not in place. Extended care provides the necessary support and supervision to prevent relapse and ensure long-term sobriety. At IHARC, we offer customizable extended addiction treatment to help individuals become comfortable and confident in their sobriety, regardless of their age or background.

What Happens in Extended Care Rehab?

IHARC offers addiction treatment programs in increments of 30, 60 or 90 days, and clients can request as many consecutive programs as needed. The treatment center has a family-like approach where each client is treated as a valued member, and staff helps each person in a way that works best for them. The treatment center uses holistic healing techniques that focus on the whole person, not just the addiction, and extended care allows clients to heal from whatever triggered their addictive behaviors, promoting happy, fulfilling lives after treatment. Extended care programs at IHARC include talk therapy, 12 steps, clean eating, and wellness education, as well as dual diagnosis treatment, if needed. The treatment center recognizes that substance abuse can occur alongside psychological disorders, and helps patients address underlying issues before they leave, facilitating better recovery.

What Are the Benefits of Extended Care Programs?

Extended rehabilitation programs offer an optimal setting for clients to focus on their recovery. By removing outside stressors such as work, school, and toxic relationships, patients can concentrate completely on healing and achieving long-term sobriety. Extended treatment also provides patients with the necessary tools and strategies to deal with future stressors in a healthy manner. At IHARC, we help clients prepare for re-entry into the world with aftercare planning and ongoing support. Community building is also an important aspect of our programs, as patients develop strong bonds with each other and find positivity and support in their shared journey towards sobriety.
IHARC is committed to promoting the health, happiness, confidence, and empowerment of all clients. Often, an extended addiction program is the best option for achieving long-term sobriety.
If you’re ready to overcome addiction, IHARC has a range of treatment options and therapeutic expertise to meet your individual needs.
Are you prepared to take back control of your life? Initiate your journey towards addiction recovery today by taking the first step.


Take the first step to true healing.