Dual Diagnosis

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

IHARC Recovery’s Dual Diagnosis Program aims to support clients who struggle with both chemical dependency and a co-occurring disorder. Depending on their symptoms, a psychiatric evaluation may be necessary to diagnose them correctly.

What is Dual Diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis refers to a condition in which an individual has both a substance addiction and a psychological disorder. For instance, alcoholism and depression often co-occur, leading to severe consequences for the patient. Treating both the addiction and the other disorder simultaneously is crucial to address the underlying problem.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment at IHARC

At IHARC, we prioritize trauma resolution in addition to treating chemical dependency and other mental health conditions. Our clinical team employs current methodologies to address all levels of trauma and dual diagnosis concurrently with the client’s recovery. We take a holistic approach to treating our clients as complete individuals, rather than just focusing on their addiction.
Overcoming addiction to drugs or alcohol is already a difficult journey. However, when other mental health conditions are present, it becomes even more challenging. It is crucial to comprehend the concept of dual diagnosis and understand how to manage it. If you need assistance, IHARC offers dual diagnosis treatment to help you achieve a healthy, sober life.

How is Dual Diagnosis Treated?

To increase the likelihood of preventing relapse, it is crucial to treat both substance abuse and psychiatric issues simultaneously in those with a dual diagnosis. Treating substance abuse followed by psychiatric issues is not as effective as addressing both concurrently to target the root cause of the problem.
If there is a suspicion of a dual diagnosis for an individual, it is vital to treat both conditions together. During the rehab admission process at IHARC, the team will evaluate the patient to identify if they have a co-occurring disorder that requires treatment. If a co-occurring disorder is discovered during the treatment process, the treatment plan will be adjusted accordingly, and detox may be recommended as the first step depending on the severity of the substance addiction.

Behavioral Therapy As Part of Dual Diagnosis Rehab

Treating dual diagnosis requires the use of behavioral therapy, which can include group or individual sessions to help patients recognize the root causes of their addiction and learn how to avoid them. Therapy also helps patients develop healthier thinking patterns, which is beneficial for their recovery. In some cases, medication may be prescribed to help patients manage their psychiatric issues.
For individuals with dual diagnosis, rehab is highly recommended as it provides a safe and supportive environment for treating both their substance abuse and psychiatric issues. Our Arizona dual diagnosis treatment center program offers patients the necessary support and foundation to address both parts of their diagnosis, and being surrounded by others who are going through similar experiences can be extremely helpful.
A structured routine is often implemented during rehab to monitor patients’ progress, including participating in therapy sessions and learning healthy coping mechanisms for their dual diagnosis. Personalized therapy sessions may also be offered to cater to the specific needs of patients dealing with psychiatric disorders and addiction.
Addressing the underlying issues is crucial in preventing substance abuse, and treatment programs should give equal attention to both the mental health disorder and addiction.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment at IHARC

IHARC recognizes the significance of dual diagnosis treatment as it acknowledges how psychiatric disorders can trigger substance abuse problems. That’s why our dual diagnosis program places emphasis on resolving traumas that may have led to chemical dependency.
As a dual diagnosis treatment center, we create a personalized treatment plan for each client that addresses their individual needs and diagnosis. Our plan includes various therapies, a psychiatric evaluation, a medical plan from our Medical Director, and the introduction of a clean lifestyle routine.
After completing the program, we help patients adapt to a life without drugs and alcohol. During treatment, they discover new activities, sports, and hobbies to avoid temptations. We also provide guidance on how to handle challenging situations post-program as we understand that the journey to sobriety is ongoing, and offer continuous support to our patients.
If you’re ready to overcome addiction, IHARC has a range of treatment options and therapeutic expertise to meet your individual needs.
If you’re ready to overcome addiction, IHARC has a range of treatment options and therapeutic expertise to meet your individual needs.


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