Trauma Induced Symptoms

What is Trauma Induced Symptoms?

Integrated Health and Recovery Center recognizes that trauma is a subjective and individualized occurrence. There is no universal definition of trauma, and each person’s experience of it, as well as the symptoms and disorders it leads to, are unique. For some individuals, trauma may manifest in the form of addiction, while others may experience mental health issues such as depression or adopt other forms of maladaptive coping. The staff at Integrated Health and Recovery Center acknowledges that effective and enduring trauma treatment necessitates a personalized approach for each individual.

Addictive behaviors, mental health issues, and trauma often overlap. Their causes and symptoms are tightly intertwined so the treatment plan should be just as comprehensive. There is no isolated treatment just for depression if a person also struggles with a substance abuse disorder. At Sabino, addressing underlying trauma is at the root of our treatment practices so we create our treatment plans around more than someone’s diagnosis.
Many people develop their substance abuse disorder as a coping mechanism in response to trauma, to help manage their mental health symptoms, or as a form of self-medication. If someone starts drinking to manage their anxiety disorder, this behavior can start to affect personal relationships, work, and social situations. The recovery community has grappled with how best to treat dual diagnoses. In many ways, traditional care has spent a disproportionate amount of time treating the symptoms of drug or alcohol addiction. As the recovery community learns more about the connections between addictions and mental health, our priority is the treatment of trauma, depression, anxiety disorders, and other behavioral concerns in conjunction with substance use disorders.

What does Trauma Induced Symptoms look like at Integrated Health?

Sabino Recovery is one of the few inpatient dual diagnosis treatment centers designed to treat mental illness in conjunction with substance use. We don’t sideline it or only treat symptoms, treating trauma is central to everything we do. We understand that mental illness often plays a key role in developing a co-occurring substance abuse disorder and that each person’s experience may be different.

Our treatment center and programs are designed to address mental health problems like anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance use disorders but also the core issues driving these behaviors. We address the root causes of early in treatment and our dedicated and experienced staff supports each resident by creating physical and emotional safety through empathetic, compassionate, and consistent treatment. We help each person develop the necessary skills to build a healthy and sober life with our carefully selected treatment services, including; psychotherapeutic modalities, psychiatric treatment and integrative, mind/body therapies. By holistically treating each person, we hope to help our residents take the first steps to true healing.

Individualized Treatment Plan

Your plan is developed around your very specific needs. There are no “treatment tracks,” which means your dual diagnosis treatment plan is developed just for you after you arrive and will include a holistic approach to you and your individual needs, not just your diagnosis and addiction. It will account for your past and present and the many overlapping and intertwining symptoms that you are experiencing. While you are here, your progress is closely monitored, and our multi-disciplinary team makes real-time adjustments based on your needs and your individual progress.


Take the first step to true healing.