12 Step Programs


The 12-step approach is a widely-used method for treating addiction around the globe, providing help to individuals for many years. It can be a valuable tool in fighting addiction and Integrated Health and Recovery Center utilizes 12-step meetings and treatment programs to aid in long-term recovery, bringing numerous advantages to both clients and their families.


Bill Wilson introduced the concept of the 12-step program in 1939 with the creation of a guide for Alcoholics Anonymous. Although the principles can be applied to any substance abuse or addiction, clients typically follow the 12 steps in a specific order, working through them individually.
There are multiple objectives for 12-step meetings and programs. Firstly, participants must have faith in a higher power, although this does not necessarily have to be religious in nature. The spiritual aspect teaches clients that they cannot control everything.
Another goal is to receive support from others and avoid isolation. Addiction is an ongoing issue that requires constant management. Support helps clients understand the severity of their addiction, steer away from the idea of moderation, and move towards sobriety and long-term recovery.
Accepting personal responsibility is another essential aspect of the programs. Clients must acknowledge their role in their addiction and work to make amends for past actions that occurred while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


The success of the 12-step program can be attributed to the combination of multiple levels of care, including meetings, individual work, and sponsor support. While many people may envision 12-step meetings as a group gathering in a church basement or school building, for some individuals, these meetings alone are enough to achieve sobriety.
However, for others, medical detox and residential care are necessary starting points for recovery. Only after receiving medical intervention and being in a therapeutic clinical setting can some individuals begin to embrace the 12 steps.
In residential treatment, clients can benefit from both individual therapy and group counseling, which allows them to begin learning the framework and protocol for 12-step meetings. This prepares them for a lifetime of future meetings.
Following residential care, clients may opt for outpatient programs or sober living while still attending 12-step meetings to maintain continuity and remain on track towards long-term recovery.
Even after clients transition back to independent living, they can continue to rely on 12-step meetings, which may become an essential part of their relapse prevention plan.


One significant advantage of the 12-step program is the support it provides. Addiction can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, even with the presence of family and friends. However, group meetings offer a sense of community and demonstrate that clients are not alone. It is comforting to witness others experiencing similar challenges and learning from their success in overcoming situations that could jeopardize sobriety and recovery.
Moreover, twelve-step meetings offer a sense of responsibility and accountability. If a regular attendee misses a meeting, other participants often check on them to ensure they are safe and sober. This supportive network is highly beneficial.


Integrated Health and Recovery Center incorporates the 12-step program into their addiction treatment plan alongside a variety of other treatment methods and therapies. These supplementary approaches include:
Achieving sobriety can be accomplished through the 12-step program. At the Integrated Health and Recovery Center, the 12 steps are a significant component of client recovery.
Are you prepared to take back control of your life? Initiate your journey towards addiction recovery today by taking the first step.


Take the first step to true healing.